Over the past year or so, you could be tipsy over all the tipping points that have flown past in in the saga of Big Tech v. its detractors. Pre the 2016 Russia US election cyberwar, only a few fringe groups were worrying about Big Tech monopoly power. Then the election hacking came to light, […]
Dodd-Frank: Capture, Rapture and a Decade-Long Hostage Crisis
One of the world’s inevitabilities is regulatory capture: when regulators who are supposed to regulate an industry end up serving the industry’s interests, rather than the public’s. Given this immutable truth, outrage over the recent legislation amending the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulations strike me as somewhat beside the point. Dodd-Frank got taken hostage a long […]
European Socialized Medicine Causes High US Drug Prices????
It would be hard to come up with a slimier, more specious argument than the one made by the Trump administration in its pharmaceutical pricing initiative, launched last week. Yes, Trump’s Council of Economic Advisors has found the major culprit in high drug prices: and it is European socialism. The same perpetrators of government-funded single-payer […]